Friday, July 18, 2008

My Solution to the Price of Gasoline

I thought this post might give you a good idea of who I am, instead of some boring introduction.

I have an idea about to solve our current gasoline pricing crisis. Fifty dollars a barrel sounds like a reasonable price for a barrel of oil for the United States to pay. If you're our friend, then the price is $50 a barrel. At this price, we help you militarily, with economic aid, food, technology, etc., the usual way the United States helps out the rest of the world. Glad to do it.

If you aren't willing to sell us oil at $50 barrel, congratulations, you are our enemy. Be prepared for us to take the oil we need from you at the price we decide is reasonable. People of Venuzuela, decide who you like better -- America or Hugo Chavez? If you give us the wrong answer, we will take your oil and take over your country. Go ahead, riot in the streets and call us imperialists. Frankly, I don't care. I do care the hard-earned money from my neighbors, my trucker friends and my wallet is going to purchase solid gold bathroom fixtures in Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and the United Arab Emirates. Do you realize it costs $18 a barrel for our friends in Kuwait -- who we helped rescue from Saddam Hussein -- to get oil out of the ground. They now sell it for $130 a barrel. That's quite a profit margin. By the way, did they ever pay us back for bailing them out?

Iran, same song, second verse. Decide if you are our friend or our enemy, then be prepared to accept the consequences. Putin and Russia, ditto.

In addition, let's start using the new horizontal oil drilling technology available to us to tap the huge shale deposit in North Dakota. Why not start today? There is enough oil available in that deposit to keep our economy running for 30 years or more. The people in the Dakotas could use the economic boost this would surely provide.


Anonymous said...

I am honored to be your first commenter. My thoughts summed up in one short phrase, "Jim Johnston for President!" McCain is not a real conservative, and who knows what Obama will be tomorrow, but JJ we can count on!(and gas prices will go down, our military $ will begin showing a return on investment) and this country would be a lot cooler. Welcome to the blogosphere!

Jim Johnston said...

Being an effective president isn't difficult. Being an effective president while you're trying to pay off all of lobbyists who financed your campaign with millions is the impossible part.
Got to have farther reaching campaign finance reform.